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Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?

Posted on 3/8/2021 by Parkway Dentistry at Langtree
Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?When it comes to chewing gum, it's the type of gum you chew that makes the difference. While chewing gum containing sugar can cause cavities, sugar-free gums can be beneficial for your mouth. Combined with Xylitol and you have a robust shield against cavities.

There are many opinions surrounding the chewing gum industry, and we are here to break them. In this blog, we will answer the question "Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?” and explain the benefits of Xylitol in chewing gums.

Xylitol Fights Bacteria

Sugar-free gums with Xylitol have the added benefit of preventing Streptococcus growth, an oral bacteria that cause tooth decay. The presence of Xylitol also prevents other bacteria from adhering to your teeth and slows their growth. Moreover, using Xylitol for longer periods can strengthen your tooth enamel and remove the damaging effects of sugar. Chewing a Xylitol gum after consuming sugary or acidic treats can limit its effects and promote good oral health.

Is Chewing Gum a Substitute For Brushing Teeth

Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing teeth. Although sugar-free chewing gums can aid in your daily dental hygiene, if you don't brush your teeth immediately after a meal, food particles will lie dormant and cause cavities. So keep scrubbing your pearly whites to support their health.

Although chewing sugar-free gum is beneficial for your oral health, it's not recommended in certain cases. For example, if you are experiencing any kind of jaw pain, you should refrain from chewing gum and reach out to a dentist. If you are looking for someone experienced, you can visit Dr. Shannon Snipe for a checkup. Scheduling an appointment is as easy as calling (704) 662-0021, and the staff will be happy to assist you.
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