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Ways of Avoiding Staining White Fillings

Posted on 10/19/2020 by Parkway Dentistry at Langtree
Ways of Avoiding Staining White FillingsWhen an individual has a filling, they will want to try and keep it as stain free as possible, in order to avoid it being conspicuous in the mouth. While this does not have to amount to a change in diet, to avoid staining, you should be aware of what foods and drinks are liable to stain, and be mindful of how much you consume of them.

What Food and Drink Stain Fillings?

Coffee, tea and wine are three big contributors to staining white fillings. This is because these beverages are often drunk frequently, and therefore have a lot of contact with the filling. Dark fruit juices also cause similar issues, in that their saturated color can cause staining. One of the more obscure causes of staining is sauces like curry, Bolognese and soy sauce. These are all deep in color and therefore have a staining quality when consumed. Bolognese can be substituted for a creamy sauce like carbonara, and soy sauce can be reduced in quantity. Brushing your teeth after a thick curry sauce is advisable to avoid staining a filling.

Tips to Avoid Staining Fillings

One of the most effective ways to avoid staining is by rinsing the mouth after a meal, or when drinking something that can stain the teeth. In this way, the staining substance will not linger in the mouth, and will be washed away before it can stain. If you do not have the opportunity to rinse your mouth, having a glass of water can have a similar effect. Another way to avoid staining fillings is to be aware of your consumption of foods and drinks liable to staining. This may mean cutting down on how much coffee you drink, or try to find an alternative to the dark fruit juices you consume. You do not have to totally cut the food item out of your diet, but instead consume less. To learn more about fillings, contact our office.
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